(714) 262-4341 derrick@smallslawfirm.com





DUI laws may be unfair, but “the dui law is unfair” is not legal defense.  If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you probably already know that your life can be negatively affected for a long time. The consequences of a conviction can be devastating, but we may be able to help relieve some or all of those consequences.

Things move very quickly with DUI charges.  There are steps that must be taken on a strict schedule if you intend to mount an effective defense against these charges.  Don’t hesitate to get proper representation.  The Smalls Law Firm has the expertise and experience to vigorously defend you from DUI charges in Orange County.  Call us today, and get ahead of the curve on your defense.

The best DUI defense for your case depends on the circumstances of your arrest and the nature of the charges.

As top Orange County DUI defense lawyer Derrick Smalls explains,


“The prosecution may claim that you drove with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.16%, which would be double the legal limit, or they may allege that your impaired driving caused an accident, or that you were so intoxicated you could barely make it through a field sobriety test.


I’ve seen good people lose their license, their jobs and more because prosecutors convinced them that the evidence against them was too much to fight. The reality is that the police often mishandle DUI investigations, and prosecutors will try to take advantage of good people in a bad situation who don’t understand all of their options.”


It’s important to understand that even if the allegations are true, there are some circumstances good attorneys can highlight to gain reduced charges and even dismissal of the DUI case altogether.  Regardless of how hopeless you think the charge of DUI in California is against you, there are always smart strategies to try.  In a DUI case, the Orange County prosecutor is not there to help you through the process: They are there to prosecute you.  You need a good DUI attorney, indeed THE BEST DUI LAWYER, in Orange County before you meet with the prosecutor.  Never try to mount a DUI defense without a good lawyer present.


As your lawyer, here are just some of the defenses we can consider in order to beat a DUI charge.  If you have been arrested for DUI in Orange County, before you plead guilty to a life-changing DUI charge, let us consider all the facts to see if there is a way for you to get your DUI charges thrown out or reduced.